A lovely trail ride from the Rancho Oso Thousand Trails Resort up and across the Santa Ynez River to the Upper Oso Campground.
5.13 miles in 2 hours, an easy ramble through the wildness of Spring in full bloom.
What could be better than a trail ride on a fine Spring Day?
Here's the crew, starting from the left:
Pat on Tobe Mule, Molly on Woodrow Mustang, Tiffany on Penny QuarterHorse, and Bob on Ananda Arabian.
As you can see we are open minded equine enthusiasts, all breeds welcome..... if they can keep up!
We carravanned up to Rancho Oso, paid the nominal day-use fee, and tacked up and headed out. Since I know the trails, I got to lead on and be Trail Boss.
It is the nexus of a large number of horse trails, my idea was to head for the river and then on upwards.
Of course when we got to the river it looked pretty darn deep.
I told Tobe to cross, and he looked skeptical, and then Cowboy Bob wanted to know how deep it was before he'd take his precious girl across.
I fibbed, said it wasn't too deep..... then Tobe did a balk and said he knew better and didn't want to do it.
So Molly who is by far the most competent rider in the group told her gelding to get his butt on over there, and Tobe had to sheepishly follow, since after all anything a horse can do he certainly can.